Which Roofing Materials Last The Longest?

Which Roofing Materials Last The Longest

When choosing a roofing material, durability and longevity are two of the most important factors to consider. You’ll want the material to both improve your home’s curb appeal and also last as long as possible.

Here are some of the best long-lasting roofing materials:


One of the most long-lasting roofing materials is concrete, which is supposed to last for more than 50 years. Concrete roofs are extremely durable and can withstand high winds and hail. Most manufacturers offer warranties of up to 50 years, proving how long-lasting they expect this roofing material to last.

If you want to install this type of roofing on your home, get in touch with a company that does roof repair near Lehigh Valley, PA, so they can help you with your needs.


Metal roofing is of excellent quality and can sustain strong winds, with a lifespan of over 50 years. Choosing this roofing option will help lower maintenance and repair costs because the metal won’t easily corrode or crack. It is manufactured using recycled content, making it an environmentally-friendly option.


Slate roofing can last for decades or even up to 150 years if properly maintained. According to some roofing experts, slate is considered the longest-lasting roofing material available. Since it’s made of stone, the slate is completely fire resistant. It is an ideal roofing option if bushfires and wildfires are common in your area.

Other Long-Lasting Materials 

  • Asphalt shingles: About 10–30 years
  • Built-Up roofs: About 25–30 years
  • Foam: More than 25 years
  • Single-Ply: More than 30 years
  • Wood shakes/shingles: About 15–20 years

Other Factors To Consider When Looking For A Roofing Material

Longevity and durability are just some of the factors to consider when looking for roofing material. While both of them are important, you should also look into other significant factors. 

Your Home’s Style

When choosing a roofing material, you also need to do some aesthetic considerations. Work with a roofing expert to determine the best roofing material for your home. If you’d like to change the look of your house, now is the time to do it. 


Roofing materials come at different costs. While some options, like slate, are more durable than others, they may be too far out of your budget. It is also important to consider maintenance costs since some materials require yearly maintenance. 

Weather Resistance

Before putting a new roof on your house, it is a good idea to know how various roofing materials perform in both cold and hot climates. If your area often experiences freezing climates or soaring summer temperatures, make sure that the roofing material you choose can withstand those conditions. Ask the advice of a reliable roofing expert to determine which material suits your home and location the best.

Get The Help Of A Reliable Roofing Expert

For all your roofing needs, get in touch with RAM Exteriors. As one of the best roofing contractors near Dublin, we guarantee that our roofing experts can provide you with cost-effective roofing solutions, elevating the look of your home.

Request a free estimate today!